Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Real Overseas Thanksgiving

I have to confess, I have not always been a big fan of overseas Thanksgiving. I may have even referred to it as Fake Thanksgiving a time or too. It's not that the things I did weren't fun, they just never constituted Thanksgiving to me. Twice in Argentina and once here I was able to go to the beach for Thanksgiving, which was great, but it sure didn't feel like Thanksgiving. Sometimes I have had traditional turkey dinners, while other years I have eaten fish at the beach or simply avoided the whole thing. 

That began to change for me a little bit two years ago when I gathered with some good friends and had my first "homestyle" Thanksgiving dinner in Thailand. It wasn't the same as a Thanksgiving on Hidden Trail, but it was a pretty good substitute and I walked away feeling like I'd had an enjoyable day. Did we eat at the proper time? Have the exact right side dishes? Sit around for hours with apps and wine before dinner? Walk the golf course before pie? Was my mother's mincemeat pie there for me to make fun of? No. But for the first time I was able to get over all of that and have fun. 

Now, I know, and have always known, that Thanksgiving isn't about those details, even for a detail person such as myself. But it took time for the day to feel Real without those traditions. It may sound slightly ridiculous that it took so many years, but as my lovely sister-in-law ever so kindly pointed out recently, my family might have slight tradition overload. Hey, I got my routines and regimin from somewhere!  

Last year, and again this year, I find myself actually really looking forward to Thanksgiving. I am excited to make the things I am bringing and even more excited to put the whole thing together with friends tomorrow. It's fun to feel like I can participate in both the meaning of Thanksgiving and give thanks and praise to God for all he has blessed me with, and also enjoy the feeling and nostalgia of the day. Happy Thanksgiving! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

New seasons

November is the month when the seasons change in Thailand, from rainy season to A Bit Less Hot season.  This week we've had several breezy days where the heat does grip in quite the same way and the AC might not be required every minute, and it's been great. I do love rainy season, with it's rolling black clouds and rush of wind as the storms blow in, but cool season is definitely my favorite. Everyone's favorite, I would imagine.

Lately, as the season shifts and the school year rolls on, I have been feeling so incredibly blessed. God has been incredibly good to me this semester, even in the midst of difficult circumstances. The abundance of his goodness and grace is often overwhelming and I find myself lost for words beyond Thank You. And believe me, I am not often at a loss for words!  

Even in the midst of abundance and blessing, life still holds great uncertainty and unknowns, but I know the One who goes before me and I trust that whichever way the road turns, I am going to be okay. After a long hiatus from running, I've finally gotten back into it a bit the past few weeks, and I love the opportunity that it gives me to think. I allows my thoughts to flop around in my brain in way that they can't when I am doing other activities. As they have done so, I have found that even in the bits of life that are unsure or sad or maddening or frustrating, I also have great peace and joy. 

So as cool season ushers in new life to Bangkok, the way the first winds of spring do in Michigan, I also feel ushered into a season of peace and contentment and trust, even in the great unknowns.