Friday, May 20, 2016

It's the end of the year, and we know it.

14.5: the number of sleeps until I leave for the States
9: the number of 5:00am alarm clocks left to set
8.5: the number of days of school remaining 

Several people have asked me lately how I am feeling about the end of this school year and the best answer I can come up with is conflicted. I am excited for vacation, excited to not write lesson plans, excited to not hear my name ten bazillion times a day, excited for the break from routine, excited beyond measure to squeeze my little nephew, excited for time with friends and family in the States. But I am also sad for the end of this year- it's been a good one. I'm sad to send these precious little ones off to K5 (though happy and proud that they are all ready), sad to not be the one they come to with their stories, owies, observations, questions, and tears. I'll miss their humor and the daily adventures of Miss Clare Snowman in the books and stories they write. I'll miss them. 

Am I ready for a new class? Well, yes and no. Yes in the sense that there is always an aura of excitement and anticipation in a new school year. But no in the sense that after 10 months I have really figured out this group, gotten to know this group, and let's be honest- trained this group. My class today is roughly 60% five year olds. They know the routine and procedures and have finally learned what "the look" means. I know I will love the new group, and that they too will become delightful and well trained 4 to 5 year olds, but it will take some time to get there, as it always does. So though I am excited to watch a new group learn and grow, I'm also sad to watch this one go. 

For two more weeks I don't have to think or worry about next year, nor do I want to. I want every ounce of whatever energy I have left to go into loving these 13 well, teaching them well, and saying good-bye well. The end of the year is upon us, and I feel fine :)