Monday, August 2, 2010

A Wandering Mind

I find my mind wandering often lately; I can't seem to concentrate through an entire conversation, especially if it's not one-on-one. I'm not sure where my brain goes necessarily, sometimes to the people and places of Argentina. I assume this is all part of the transition process- not being able to keep my head in one time and place. I don't know if anyone else notices this wandering (hopefully I'm not that out of it). In some ways I feel lucky to be in this state of great transition. I think that in many ways, we all live in a state of constant transition to some degree or another, and I just happen to be fortunate enough to really notice and consider it. Transition, like so many other hurdles in life, causes us to reach out for what is true and steady and sure, and more than ever I am able to realize what the one constant in my life really is. God's presence is as near and real now as it has ever been and his consistency teaches me to lean on him in deeper ways. I am continually amazed at how he is not only Mighty God, but also Everlasting Father, how God, Todopoderoso, can also be my Wonderful Counselor and Prince of Peace. When life holds more questions than it does answers (and really, when does life ever really hold many answers?) if gives us the privilege of taking the light for the step we're on and trusting that by the time we need to take the next step, the light will shine on it. Until then, when my mind walks away, mid conversation, sometimes I will do what I can to bring it back, and at others, I'll simply let it float, being in whatever place and with whichever people it needs to in that moment.


  1. I'm praying for you in the midst of transition! Its certainly a big one. And certainly God the Father is carrying you through it. AND I hope to see and catch up with you in person sometime soon :)

  2. Transitions are hard but it is nice to have God in our lives isn't it? We need to talk sometime now that you're in the States. Leo graduates this week!!! Are you still moving down South?
