Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still winter

According to Michiganders, it is "warming up" outside. But when I look outside, all I see is a Buenos Aires winter. It's 40F, maybe, and raining. Now, I'm not saying that it's not better than the single digit temps we were having, I'm just saying that in my book it's still winter. And boo on winter. Plus, they're predicting snow this week, so let's not get carried away.

Tomorrow I should be starting my next long term sub job teaching math. It will be at the same middle school as the last job, and I'm really glad about that. I was there yesterday, in for someone else, and got to sit and eat lunch with people I actually knew, who know me and include me in the conversation. As a sub, this is big, and makes such a difference in my day.

I'm continuing my Thai classes once per week and actually feel like I can say a few things now. My processing time is really slow so I don't think I'd be able to say much in real life, but I'm making progress at least. Yesterday I learned how to tell time. They don't use the 12 hour clock or the 24 hour clock in Thailand. They have a special system, which luckily has a few spots that utilize the 12 hour clock and has a few other patterns imbedded in them. What I've discovered is that if I can find I pattern, I can learn anything.

That's about all for life around here. One of these days spring will actually come!!

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