Saturday, April 16, 2011

Treasures in Heaven

Wow, I can't believe it's been almost a month since I've blogged! Lots going on, in life, in my head, in my heart. I've been working hard in another long term sub position, and finding it much more challenging than the last. At the same time, I have enjoyed the consistency, especially being in the same building as before, where the staff has really welcomed me and made me feel at home.

During spring break I had the opportunity to stay with two of my cousins for a week while their parents were gone and really enjoyed hanging out with them. Unfortunately I got the World's Worst Cold during that time, which was just hitting it's peak when two of my friends came to visit for a few days. It was awesome to see the girls, but I felt really bad not being able to do much with them. By last weekend I was beginning to be able to sleep a bit at night, but also came down with laryngitis- not a great thing for a teacher! I limped through this week at work and am finally back to nearly 100% voice.

I'm also plugging away on preparations for Thailand and have taken great steps in completing my paperwork. Emotionally, the preparation is coming along as well. I'm working on various plans and places to go and people to see before I leave (in 3 short months!). God has definitely been at work in my heart, helping me to appreciate these moments while still getting ready for this new chapter.

Lately I've been struck by the fragility of life and the hope that we have in Christ- how all the rest of it just means so little. Ecclesiastes resonates in my head, 'meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless!' as it becomes more and more clear to me what really lasts. I was watching the third Narnia movie last weekend with my friends and one scene jumped out with me: when Eustace finds the dragon's treasure and his eyes get real big and he starts scooping up as much of it as possible. We, the reader/viewer, know how futile it is, how no matter how much he picks up, he can't take it with him. How much time and energy I spend trying to gather up what I can't take with me! My prayer is that no matter where I am, here or Thailand or elsewhere, I would spend my time and energy and resources to store up that which lasts.

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