Thursday, May 2, 2013

Symbiosis: Life in our community

Symbiosis.  A word we all learned in Bio class.  A word that has come to mean so much to me lately. 

Last September my friends had twins.  I used to think third-child babies were awesome (their mamas are alwasy so willing to hand them over to me) but twins are even better: there is always someone to hold.  I've always loved babies.  I remember having my arm propped up on a pilliow in the house on Thayler to learn how to feed a baby a bottle. And we moved from there when I was 6. 

So when the twins, O-man and E-girl, were born, I was so excited.  What's even better is the symbiotic relationship that has developed over the past 7 months of their little lives. 

When you're living away from your family- be it across the state or across the world- it's always nice to have a home away from home, a place where you can go anytime, where you are fully comfortable and able to be yourself.  In college I always had my Aunt Mo's house.  In Buenos Aires I had my friend Jeannette.  But nothing in Bangkok had really filled that- a place to be and 'do nothing' and be with people, not home alone. For me, it's a critical component to feeling settled and at home in a place.  So as wonderful as our community is here, I was still lacking that. 

I needed a safe place, where I didn't have to be "on" in any way.  They needed an extra set of hands for the twinks.  It's been a match made in heaven.  I love the time I get to spend talking with their mom and dad, watching some Downton Abbey or March Madness too. I love that they don't feel any need to clean the place up before I come over, and I once went over practically in my pajamas.  I love that I wear the same old t-shirts anytime I go over- the probability of being drooled/spit/puked on is 100%.  And perhaps most of all, I love that I can be useful, that my being there not only benefits me, but their family as well. It's really blossomed into a beautiful symbiotic relationship, and certainly blesses me abundantly. 

I would be remiss if I did not also point out that I benefit from my friend's amazing cooking as well.  I don't cook a lot here- teaching full time just does not afford me much time or energy for groceries and cooking.  My grocery delivery came two days late this week and one night I ate frozen peas and Pringles for dinner. It's that bad.  So while I certainly don't go just for the food, it sure is an added bonus that baby bedtime coincides with dinner.  

These two little people have stolen my heart. Nothing cures a stressful day quicker than a grin from E or a belly laugh from O.  I love watching their personalities emerge and getting to be part of their first days and months of life.  Seriously, nothing beats a bedtime snuggle from O!

(sorry- have some issues with blogger and it won't size the pictures right, but that's okay since they are so darn cute!)
O and E's early days.

We took this when I was over one day and the toy pile around them was just ridiculous. 

She is going to die of extreme cuteness.

Such a happy, content baby!

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