Monday, January 11, 2016

Nothing in life is free, except my pressure cooker

It's pretty normal when I travel to the States, especially at Christmas, to bring things back for people. I have a general policy though that I don't go out and hunt down and buy the stuff myself, but have them ship it to me. On this particular trip I knew I'd have excess luggage allowance and agreed to bring back much more than usual. Since my mom was moving in the middle of the Christmas shipping season, I had everything sent to my sister-in-law. She dutifully piled everything up in a corner of the house. A week before I flew back she sent me a picture of the pile of boxes, wondering how it was ever going to fit in my luggage. She couldn't believe that they'd even ordered a pressure cooker. I said as much to my friends, but both of them told me that they hadn't ordered a pressure cooker! To this day we have no idea where the pressure cooker came from or who ordered it, but I did manage to fit it into my suitcase, so now it is mine :). It's a small one, perfect for me really, so now I just need to find some recipes to make in it! 

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