Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election 2012: Why I don't really care

I'm not a big fan of politics.  Social justice, yes.  Political history, yes.  Current politics? Nah.  I do enjoy hearing my family discourse about it, but only because they are interested and educated and civil in their debates, I mean, discussions.  But I also really like what someone once said about my Gramma:  "(She) wasn't very political. She was more interested in people."

I don't pretend to understand the political and economic issues, and I certainly don't pretend that I'm going to have any idea how to solve them.  I don't really even like voting.  I hate staring at lists of candidates whose names I don't recognize for a post (such as University trustee) that I don't even care about.  I just leave those ones blank.  I figure a ballot is a bit like the SAT- if you haven't even got a guess or clue, it's probably best to not put anything at all.

I do pray that at some point in my lifetime I'll see a Presidential candidate that I can really get excited about.  I don't know who will win tomorrow/today.  And don't shoot me, but I don't really care that much.  I know that neither Obama or Romney will really be in control.  I know that every government on earth, both good and evil,communist and democratic, Democrat and Republican, is under the authority of the Supreme God, my God, and that in the end, he alone can and will judge each according to their actions.

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