The 'not-quite-as-hot' season has arrived in Bangkok, which means that I don't always have to run my air. My mother recently sent me a picture of the fireplace at my Grampa's house, all cozy with a roaring fire, asking me if I missed winter. Miss winter? No, not really. Maybe by next year, with 24 straight months of summer. Maybe.
My brother arrives in four days and if I were friends with me, I would want to punch me in the face and tell me to shut up about it already. I can't help it- if I'm excited about something, I talk about it! And just a little over two weeks until my mom is here too! Having visitors is just a big excuse to eat great food and get lots of massages.
And the last greatest development in life recently, aside from the weather and family visiting, is something that I haven't managed to do in the last 13 months: I lost my ATM card. Again (
see here for story). But this time I am ten thousand times smarter. I found a different branch to go to, one without the same lady to lecture me, and one that is open on holidays and evenings. So it was a lot less traumatic, though I must say, when I first discovered it I wanted to just sit down right there and cry. I didn't.
And with that, I have just 3.5 days of work left until break! I'm taking Monday and Tuesday off after Matt gets here, and at lunch time next Thursday we are free! 3.5 days and 4 alarm clocks? I think I can handle that :)