Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The short end of things

A number of years ago (like, maybe, 10), I swore off shorts.  Skirts and capris would be the only things for me.  I was tired of every pair of shorts I ever owned or tried on spending their entire time on me up my butt in a little wedgie-making-machine. For real. The only thing harder to fit than jeans are shorts.  Maybe it's just me and the fact that I'm a little wide in the butthigh region and little narrower in the waist.  Who knows. 

The No Shorts rule was all well and good when I lived in Michigan, and even in Buenos Aires, but after 18 months of living in the tropics (I know, I catch on quick) I have learned that I need to give in and wear shorts if I have any hope of survival.  I own some running shorts and a lay-around-the-house pair of shorts, but have discovered that life and travel will be a lot more comfortable if I don the wedgie makers from time to time.  Also, my brother is coming to visit so a slightly newer and better pair of lounging and sleeping shorts is required. 

So today, on the king's birthday (and my glorious day off) I went to the mall and tackled the challenge of finding inexpensive shorts that were light weight, not too short, fit for curves and not for Asians, and most importantly, did not cause instant wedgie.  I came home with three pairs in the $5-7 range, all of which are a reasonable length and none of which, so far, have made me feel the need to pull them out of my bum.  So far so good.  One of the pairs are great little lounge shorts which I wouldn't be completely embarrassed to be seen in, so that's a bonus as well. 

Here's to hoping that life will be a little more comfortable on casual occasions! 

1 comment:

  1. Clare I love this post and am in the same boat you are. I have concluded that shorts are evil and envy those who can wear them without their butt trying to eat them. Would you mind telling me where you got yours?Help a sister out?
    My recent try at a solution was to buy a pair that fit the 'butt thigh region' and get the waist taken in. It worked but seemed like a lot of effort.
