Monday, February 24, 2014

Adjustments: there's a teenager in the house!

Life with an 18 year old is interesting- some things I knew to expect, others I couldn't see coming. One of the biggest differences between having Robin here verses every other roommate I've had in my life is that for the first time, I am responsible for feeding another human being on a daily basis. You mothers out there will get a good chuckle out of this, but this whole meal planning and grocery shopping thing is kind of crazy. Especially for a girl who has basically lived off a minimart for over two years and grocery shopped from time to time, but certainly not regularly. But somehow, when you're feeding two people, that whole cooking thing and buying food seem a bit more important. 

So here I am, grocery shopping weekly and throwing around words like meal planning. Don't get me wrong, we still eat food from the shops on my street and go out some, but even cooking a few meals a week requires some coordination and planning, especially when you're feeding a pescatarin. 

So I would say food and feeding are adjustment number one. 

Adjustment number two is more subtle, but probably more profound. Awareness. I am suddenly aware at all times of another persons movements, especially the first few days of volunteering at ICS. It's kind if a strange feeling for someone who never really had to think about anyone else before. At first, the awareness was exhausting and overwhelming, but I've gotten used to it and she's more independent around the school now, so it's definitely less intense. But still kind of there- which is a good thing when you're keeping an eye on someone else's child in a foreign country! 

Adjustment number three is that I feel and sound a lot like my mother. There are things she will do and I see myself in her, doing or saying those things to my mom. Not big or negative things, just how an 18 year old does the dishes or talks about their day or walks down a sidewalk. I look at her and smile and understand my mom just a little bit better. 

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