Monday, October 10, 2011

Flood Warnings

My friend found this video, it's even better.  And not so long and weird...

Thailand is in the final weeks of the rainy season, and I had been told repeatedly that October was the rainiest month of all- so far it has no disappointed (it's thundering and raining even as I write this).  On a personal level, I don't mind the rain, but it has become quite problematic because of widespread flooding across Thailand.  I've been looking for a good article about the flooding, but they're, emmm, all in Thai (Okay, found one video/site.  The video is a bit weird in parts, but if you stick with it and can tolerate the music, it does give you some good info and a picture of what is going on. And keep in mind the video is already 10 days old, and it's gotten significantly worse in the past 3 days). The basic problem is this- many provinces are experiencing the worst flooding in 50+ years.  As in, water up to the 2nd floor of people's homes.  The ancient city of Ayutthaya is underwater.  And now, as the heaviest rain comes, it is threatening more homes, more people, and Bangkok.  The Soi (small street) right outside the school floods at the drop of a hat, but the flooding doesn't really pose any danger to me personally.  I live on the 4th floor.  If the flooding is bad, school will close (like a snow day, but without the cold weather...).  If the power goes out, or the internet, I am more inconvenienced than anything else.  But for many, many people here, this is a huge concern.  This flood, like so many natural disasters, doesn't really affect all socio-economic levels equally.  Let's be honest- the residents of the cities luxury high rises aren't at much risk.  Those who lose the most are often those with the least to lose.  Those along the cities many canals.  On the outskirts, without a second story to move their belongings to.  There are plenty of people at risk from all walks of life- a nearby neighborhood where many teachers live has had flooding before.  We don't really know how bad it's going to get.  But the predictions don't look good.  So, I ask you to pray for Thailand (the flooding outside the city and the losses there are immense), pray for protection for Bangkok, and pray for those whose homes are already underwater.  Secondary students at ICS are packing shoe boxes for children for Christmas time, and we've increased our goal this year because of the increased need from the floods.  One verse keeps coming into my head when I read the reports of impending doom: Elijah was a man just like us.  He prayed earnestly that it would not rain and it did not rain on the land for 3 1/2  years.  I post updates in the days to come- hopefully just saying that everything is fine.  Be assured that I am not in any direct danger. My worst case scenario involves minor inconveniences.  I do not want you to worry about me.  But I do want you to pray for this land and people.

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