Monday, February 18, 2013

I don't make the menu, it makes me: dinner planning in Thailand

Dinner planning takes on a whole new twist in my outlet-less Thai kitchen.  I not only have to work around what I know how to make and what I can get here, but also what my kitchen can cook.  My new food (produce and meat) delivery service has good salmon, so I started out with that menu item.  How to cook it- grill or bake?  I decided on baking- less clean up.

Then I thought of asparagus- but that would require the grill (which shares a plug with the toaster oven, so it's one or the other) or the stove top burner (which blows a fuse if run with the toaster).  What veggie could I make without a heat source?  Salad!  So salad it is. 

Carb dish?  Bread lady is on vacation, so that eliminates bread, which would have been convenient since it doesn't require heat to cook.  How about potatoes? Great!  Usually I broil/roast them (oven is in use for the salmon though, too small for both).  Can't bake them for the same reason. No microwave to nuke them (this is just my thing, not a Thailand thing). So... mashed? Sure. I've never made mashed potatoes before, but how hard can it be, right?  I can boil them before the salmon goes in, so timing wise they work.  

My friend is coming over with butter since I'm out (she's coming for dinner, not just to deliver butter) and then we'll see how the taters turn out.  And the salmon, which I kind of sort of followed a recipe for.  The salad I think I can count on... 

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