Thursday, February 21, 2013

Ten Great Things About Living in the Tropics

In no particular order:

1. Never being late for work because it took 20 minutes to scrape my car. 
2. Always being able to feel my nose.
3. Being able to pack for a weekend in a purse-sized bag (warm weather = smaller clothes)
4. The world is always green.
5. Never having leg warmers stick out at the bottom of my cute work pants, ruining the look. 
6. Skirts/dresses year round. (and sandals!)
7. Vitamin D
8. Going to the beach. For Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Or hey, why not both?
9. Not needing to look at before getting dressed in the morning.
10. Better curls.

1 comment:

  1. To each his own! Tonight, I walked up to my brother's house and could smell the fire in the fireplace. A couple of weeks ago, I made corned beef and cabbage, then chicken & dumplings, followed by sausage and potato soup. I love those winter meals! Of course, I do curse the ice on the windshield from time to time...And March is not my favorite month. Good thing Meg was born then. That redeemed March for me. And it is followed by April and baseball! Makes it all worthwhile. At least for me.
