Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Refresh and renew

I love watching what God is up to.  Healed bodies.  Healed hearts.  Healed relationships.  Calling some to live, others to stay, some to go, and others home.  Maybe the coolest thing about the work God does in us is that he does it, not us. We don't get to take any credit.  I am constantly inspired by the lives around me here- to live more fully, give more generously, love more completely.  And rest more deeply. 

One more day of work until our long Songkran (Thai New Year) break.  A few days in Hong Kong, a few in Shanghai, and few in Beijing. Planes, trains, automobiles, and ferries in between.  Ten days to refresh and renew my heart and mind, to stand in awe of God's creation, to take a break from my work, to talk with a friend who love to talk deep thoughts.  My favorite kind. 

I look forward to how God will show up and show himself. 


  1. Sounds heavenly :) Enjoy, and be refreshed!

  2. Loved having you spend time with us in Shanghai.

    Your new friends,
    Jeanie and Ken Schneider
