Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Once upon a time in Michigan

I have several half finished blog posts just sitting here right now, none of them quite hitting the mark of a heart bursting with emotions. So happy to be here, so enjoying awesome moments, so full of God, yet recognizing the bits of sorrow that often get intertwined. The life of an expat is many things, but it's never simple.

I rejoice at all the little luxuries available to me, from an abundance of cheese to driving a car to dealing with customer service reps in my up-front fix-it-now American way. And I get flustered when I can't ever quite get the directions right to get places, when the culture of stuff makes me cringe, when being an one event reminds me of all the others I have missed.

It has been a fantastic ten days since I landed at Metro, jam packed with family, friends, celebration, good food, and lots of just being there. Michigan is beautiful in summer, even if I do need my cardigan a lot, and I have enjoyed being outside instead of hibernating in the air con of Bangkok. In some ways there is everything to blog about- a trip to Grand Rapids, a year's worth of shopping, throwing the bridal shower, meeting my six week old cousin, hanging out with friends- and in other ways there is nothing to blog about because it's all been so blissfully easy and fun and normal.

As always when I travel back and forth, I am struck by God's consistency and faithfulness, how his presence gives me a foundation that doesn't shift or change no matter where I am. As I lose my routine (which is really so good for me to do, lest I become tooooo attached to it) and struggle at times to find consistent time with God, he never fails to show up, never fails to provide, even in my wishy-washyness. His love continues to surround me, but it's up to me to lean on it.

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