Thursday, June 27, 2013

Love: my sister's wedding week

My sister is getting married in Saturday, and since she's marrying a great guy, there can be no greater joy for an older sister. Completely coincidentally, I am also reading 1 John, which talks a great deal about love. And I've been thinking a lot lately about God's love for us, a perfect love, a fear-banishing love, an unchanging love that loved us first.

Sometimes I get in these "if only" modes where I find myself constantly looking ahead- to the next big event or next big trip, to the end of a semester or the start of a new one. Somehow I start thinking that if I can only get there, than everything will be fine. But the truth is, things 'over there' are pretty much the same as they are right here. My fears and insecurities follow me from one country to the next. Sure, vacations can be a nice time to step out of some of the day to day stresses of life, but they come and go, and I am right back where I started.

This week I have been struck by the call in 1 John to love those around me. This time is really not about all the things I need to do to get ready for the wedding. It's not about finding a great dress for the rehearsal or writing the best toast or not forgetting anything when I pack. This week is about loving through service, about being available to do whatever needs to be done to keep my sister sane and the wedding train on time. It's really just about loving her and her fiancé and then sitting back and enjoying being here for the moment.

Our choice to love others fills us more deeply and intimately with God, allows us the peace that passes understanding and the grace to step through the stress. Without that love, I am nothing. Without loving others, I don't love God, and without loving God all is empty.

So I pack up my stuff and joyously lay down everything I am carrying, so that I can walk this time with my precious sister. I certainly have not always been much of a sister to her, but I am so excited to be there this weekend and stand beside her as she makes this commitment of love. She's going to knock your socks off, this sister of mine, and I can't wait to see it!

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