Thursday, November 28, 2013


I'll be honest, I think thanksgiving might be my least favorite expat holiday. It's rare that I actually "do" thanksgiving abroad, in part because it's tricky to get it close enough so I usually don't try. In lucky years, I have had the traditional four day weekend, whether in Argentina or here last year, and have been able to go to the beach. Thanksgiving at the beach is a nice substitute. 

But this year I am quite excited about my thanksgiving. There will be turkey and all the proper foods and beverages to go with it and a group of friend for whom I am truly thankful. Although it would be nice to have a parade to watch this morning, or to be at my Grampa's house with my family tonight! I am super thankful that we get the day off even in Thailand, and that I have my Thai 'family' here to celebrate with. And also, no snow. I am thankful that there is no snow or chance of snow. 

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, and sending hugs to those who have experienced deep loss in the past month or so. Praying that God's comfort would surround you this season. 

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