Sunday, July 24, 2011

Not ALL fun and games

Lest you think that this week has been 100% picnic:
  • I still can't sleep through the night. I know this is normal, but it still annoys me and makes me a little more tired than usual. 
  • I am having technical difficulties.  We can't get the phone in my apartment to work.  I have internet, but I have to drag my laptop around connected to a ridiculously long cord because my router is having issues.  First, it would broadcast, but wouldn't stream the internet, so the broadcast did no good.  I fixed the internet connection issue, and now it won't broadcast anything.  And I have no idea what to do about it except turn it on and off, which does not help.  Believe me, I've tried.  A few dozen times.  
  • I also can't seem to set the clock I bought.  It's a little digital one for next to my bed so I can see the time in the middle of the night.  I have pressed every combinations of buttons to no avail (and they are labeled in English).  I am thinking I will resort to being here exactly at noon one day and taking the batteries out and putting them back in.  
  • My face has a lovely sweaty glow at all times.  I don't even put lotion on it.
  • I hate meeting large groups of new people all at once.  For me, introducing myself to new people is like introducing a baby to solid food: it's best done just one at a time.  
  • Because everyone is new, there is lots of group hanging out, and thus group think.  I avoid most big group activities, so I usually only socialize when I can split off into a smaller group.  Those times are lovely though. 
But do not fear, I am still doing well.  The 60min massage last night for a mere $6.75 was quite helpful in that regard!   And, I really enjoyed going to church this morning.  Due to the craziness of my last few weeks in the States I hadn't been to church in awhile, so it was great to be there.  I have 3 more churches to visit before I start narrowing down the list and settling on a place to get involved. 

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