Monday, February 27, 2012

A Method to the Madness

Some people in the world are really "good" at being sick- they don't complain and they just power through as if nothing were wrong.  But let's be honest- I am  not one of those people.  When I am sick, I usually put my entire life on hold and lay on the couch (and often moan while I am at it) until I am better.  Other people, many times the power-through-and-never-complain-people, seem to look down on me for this (perhaps it is the overly dramatic moaning...).  Last week, perhaps against my better judgment, I decided to be one of those other people, and here I am, a week later, still feeling yucky.  Instead of admitting "I can't do this" on my sickest days, I went on the field trips- and I even did my best not to complain the entire time, though I certainly wasn't 100% successful.  Instead of canceling my fun skating outing on Saturday, I went, knowing it would be very tough to reschedule, and on Sunday, despite every fiber of my being wanting a nap, I stayed all afternoon after church for a bridal shower since I don't get to see my church friends very often (since everything happens downtown and in the evening when I am in bed). I loaded up on Tylenol, grabbed a few throat lozenges and powered through.  Even though I slept for 12 hours Friday night and 9 hours Saturday night, it just wasn't enough.  I'm exhausted, and still not quite over whatever this is, making me realize that perhaps my maddening resting might just be the best route after all, even if I often travel it alone.  

Perhaps next time I get sick I will be content to be my lazy self, my sit-on-the-couch-and-sip-tea self, my rest-rest-rest-and-put-life-on-hold self, and not feel bad about it.  And while I contemplate that, I am going to lay down and watch DVD's until bedtime or 8pm, whichever comes sooner.

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