Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rainy Season

Moving to Bangkok has introduced me to several new seasons, as the traditional summer, fall, winter, and spring aren't really a part of nature's rhythms here.  There's the really hot season, the rainy season, and the fairly hot season. Mostly hot and really hot are about like they sound- hot.  But it was rainy season that I really wondered about.  What does that mean exactly? Does it rain 24-7 from May to October?  Does it rain every day?  Does it feel like Scotland, where you wonder if you'll ever see the sun, only hotter? 

The answer, really, seems to be none of the above.  As I encounter my second rainy season, it seems to feel a touch like Florida in summer, only more extreme.  The sun, thankfully, continues to shine most days during rainy season, and there are days when it doesn't rain at all.  There are some days where there is a constant drizzle or frequent bouts of light rain.  But mostly, it seems, there are lovely sunny days with big giant late afternoon downpours.  The safest rule is, no matter how nice it looks outside, take your umbrella. 

Today, for example, I had a lovely sunny walk to school at 6:30am.  By afternoon though, things were clouding up and I noticed a little after 3 pm that some rather ominous clouds were moving in.  The wind, fresh and cool and strong, hit first.  Then big blobs of water pelted down.  Eventually, the wind backed off a bit and there is now a steady rain falling amid occasional rumbles of thunder.  I doubt that it will last much longer, and then I will be safe to venture out into the world again.

I love it when the wind kicks up and I can tell a storm is coming. I love the cool breeze and fresh spring feel. When it rain sideways I have to close all the windows, but I love it once the wind calms down and the overhang protects me once again and I can open everything back up.  I love the smell of the rain.  I also really love that any plants that can survive the wind on the balcony never need to be watered.  Or at least not for a few more months. 

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