Sunday, June 15, 2014

Back to Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires, Argentina. A city, place, people who will always have a place in my heart. As I sat in on the last day of school at BAICA and the staff farewell that followed, I was reminded of everything and everyone here that I love. In some ways it was like ripping my heart out all over again, and I was practically in tears throughout it, but at the same time it was good. I got to see all the ways the school has grown and changed, I was able to reconnect with beloved students, and I was reminded of a part of my life that was so good and healing for me in many ways. It is equal parts hard and wonderful to be here and I am truly blessed and grateful that I can make the trip. And, it's always good for me to continue to process this place and it's role in my life. Four years later there are many things that are different and many that haven't changed at all, making everything feel at once foreign and familiar. I understand most of the Spanish coming at me, but feel very shy to respond- the words don't roll off the tongue anymore, vocab escapes me, and any shot I had at verb tense before is completely gone. But still, in brave moments, I try. The first three days here have been full of hugs and laughter and catching up and adventures. As my brain adjusts to being back I feel more and more at peace with having come, and look forward to the days ahead. 

At school with students 

Horse riding at the estancia 

Parrilla lunch at the estancia. 

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