Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rumbles of Rain

It's monsoon season again, and really, most of the time I love it.  I love watching the sky be slowly overcome by the dark gray and green masses that blow ominously in.  I love the distant rumbles of thunder that grow every closer. I love the sound of the rain pelting my living room windows when the drops fall particularly sideways.  I love the cool breezes that occasionally follow the storm and fill my living room. 

Luckily, the overall amount of rain is lower this year, and widespread flooding is not a major concern (yet).  Localized flooding is definitely occurring, however, and I hear reports from time to time on twitter about certain areas being underwater.  After last year's debacle our school is taking extra precautions regarding potential floods, which is a good thing, though I'm guessing my predictions from last year that we won't get a solitary flood day this year will come to pass.  Around here, we don't pray for massive flooding across Thailand of course, but we certainly don't really pray against some localized stuff directly in front of our school :) 

I'm slowly adapting to this different cycle and rhythm of seasons and nature and am enjoying the warmth very much. Every morning on my 3 minute walk to school I rejoice in the soft warm air against my skin, and marvel at how day after day and month after month I don't need so much as a sweater or jacket or closed-toed shoe.  I need them on occasion as protection from over aggressive air conditioners, but that's a much different situation than the frozen north from which I come. 

A lot of people around here really miss fall.  I suppose I miss that crispness a bit, and some of the scents and flavors that come with it, but it's a fleeting sort of missing.  When it comes to fall I guess I really only miss three things: the afternoon Michigan game from time to time, apple crisp (which I actually had a few weeks ago so I can check that off the list) and the Long Lake weekend.  Instead, I guess I'll have to take the cool breezes when they come and enjoy my cups of tea while the AC is on. 

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