Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gizzard on a stick

It all started with a concert, well, less of a concert and more of a worship night. It was at this church in the middle of no where, with Martin Smith (former lead guy for Delirious, if you know them), really expensive, and on a school night, but was also quite worth it. But this post is not about the worship last night, great as that was.  This post is about gizzard. On a stick. 

So my friend is a just a little, shall we say, obsessed with Martin Smith, so she wanted to get there early to try and get his autograph, etc.  I went early with her because my choices were go early with her or wait for our other friends and possibly be late.  So I chose early, obviously. After we got there and checked out the scene, we needed to get some food.  We walked down a soi that had lots of food vendors, but my digestive system has been less than agreeable lately, so we were looking for a slightly higher quality guarantee than vats of chicken feet on the side of the road.  There was none to be had, so we stopped in at the Thai stand-by-food-center: 7-11.  On the walk back, my friend mentioned that one of her favorite foods was gizzard.  I told her about how in my family, gizzard was not something you eat, it was something that you took out before you cooked the bird, and then you chase someone around the house with it- preferably a younger brother. 

And so it came about, that on the walk back, we passed a stand with gizzard, so we got some for me to try.  Street food, yes, but it's actually usually the fruits or veg that make you sick, and I'm not even sure what's been making me sick lately.  And there I am, walking down some street in who-knows-where Greater Bangkok, eating gizzard, on a stick.

So gizzard is ummmm, a bit crunchy.  It doesn't really have the texture as meat.  It wasn't bad, the way kidney is bad.  But I don't know that it's going to become a staple in my diet. 

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