Monday, March 5, 2012

Something new everyday

We've all heard the phrase, You learn something new everyday, right?  Your first year in a new country, this is most definitely true! 

Last Friday I learned about a new food, I guess, I think, it's a fruit?  It's actually quite unlike something I've tasted in nature, and is similar to a paste that you would find inside a candy or sweet of some sort.  It all started when one of my students gifted me with a bag of these things that looked, well, a bit like big turds.  He told me that they were sweet and little sour. He also told me what they were called, but that I don't remember.  I had him show me how to eat one, since I had no idea what I was doing.  He kept telling me that they "would be good with my tea".  My sixth graders sure have caught on well to my love of tea- funny, most of my students catch on well to this...

Anyway, he showed me how to open one and then peel back the string that surrounded it and then eat the sweet sticky paste-like substance off the seeds on the inside.  A fun snack, but I must say, it's a lot of work for just a little bit!  And, you really have to be willing to get pretty sticky :)

Opening the pod

Peeling back the string, what is left is what you eat, minus the giant seeds underneath.


  1. Looks like tamarind - is that right? The paste is used in a lot of cooking here, but I've never tried it straight!

    1. I think Jessica is right about the name. One of Andy's coworkers brought one for him to try (and some to take home for us too) at one point. They taste similar to dates. And of course, Andy thought the appearance was hilarious and we talked about all the funny things we could do with it so someone would think that a dog had done his business where it wasn't supposed to! haha!

    2. Tamarind sounds about right. The student only told me the name in Thai and I definitely couldn't remember it. And Heidi, you could have a lot of fun with a bag of them :)
